marcy                                                      Comments from the Sec/Treas

December 2016


“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”  ~Hamilton Wright Mabie


I wish you all a holiday season filled with love and warmth and I hope that those wonderful feelings stay with us through the coming year. 


Many of you have received your 2017 NHPA cards by now.  If you haven’t yet, please be sure to send in your dues with a membership form.  You’ll need to have your new 2017 card for your first tournament in January.  Tournament directors will be checking to be sure that you have your new card.


So far this year we have had 20 new members join our charter and 66 members renew.   Last year at this time we had 21 new members and 43 renewed members.  Looks like we’re on track with new member recruiting and a little ahead on renewals as compared to this time last year.  I’ve mailed 49 renewal cards out and am working on the remainder a little bit each day so look for your cards in the mail soon!


Tournaments this year have been a lot of fun. I’ve pitched and/or kept score at Flagler, Orlando, St Cloud and Melbourne so far. It’s a lot easier for me to make it to the clubs on the East coast but I do want to venture out to other clubs as well.  The FL/GA Team Tournament was really enjoyable.  Those GA pitchers have the best senses of humor….they keep me in stitches! Do yourself a favor and get on a team next year.  It’s a great weekend and the Flagler Beach area is beautiful!


Speaking of team tournaments, the Club Team Tournament is coming up in January. I look forward to seeing a lot of you there.  Be sure to book your room at one of the two hotels with special rates by December 26, 2016.

Vicki Marteney will be the tournament director and will do a wonderful job, I’m sure, just as she did at the FL/GA Team Tournament in Flagler.


Please be sure to reach out if you have any questions about membership, tournaments, medical exemptions or about using HSMaster.  You can call or text my cell phone 407.399.4908.  Or you can email me  I work full time so I may not be able to answer when you call but leave me a message and I’ll return the call as soon as possible.  I am here to help with all your FSHPA needs!


Marcela Santoyo
