Hello, everyone I am happy to report that our tournaments are in full swing. I have pitched in a few tournaments so far but my job seems to get in the road quite often. I hope to make it to many clubs this year to pitch and see you all. Unfortunately my average seems to be going down rather than up, but maybe things will improve as the year goes on.

Congratulations to our Florida teams that finished well in the Florida Georgia tournament this year. A special thanks goes out to Marcy, Howard and all the Flagler Palm Coast folks for running another great tournament.

The Clearwater Horseshoe Club is doing a fantastic job with the State Closed for 2017 with preparations well underway. We all are looking forward to heading over to Clearwater for another great tournament.

Not to get too far ahead of myself the Club team tournament preparations are just about complete and in this newsletter will be the hotel information and other particulars associated with this year’s club team. We are trying to get enough so my little club Oviedo club can enter a team again this year.

My job as your President, 1st and 3rd Vice Presidents are up for election this year. Boyd Stonerock will again be looking for anyone who may be interested in one of these positions. Janet McFarland is our 1st VP and doing a superb job and will sign on again for another term, as well as Peggy Ogden our 3rd VP will stay for another term as well. Of course I will stay on for another term if I am re-elected. If anyone is interested in one of these positions please contact Boyd and let him know. It has been a fast two years already and it has been a pleasure being your President. Our Executive council made up of Janet, Marcy, Vicki, Peggy, and myself are proud to represent our Florida Horseshoe Pitchers Association.

Finally, I hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving and a special Christmas holiday season. As we reflect on our families and friends during this season we can all rest easier knowing that someone is looking out for our wellbeing. Please have a safe and holiday season and I hope to run into many of you at tournaments this year.   


                                                                      Dale Maeteney, President