Comments ------ 1st VP ---Bob Lemon


 We have decided to continue our contest, held annually for Members that compete in the

most FSHPA tournaments in a season ----- April 1, 2014 to Mar.31, 2015. The quota to

qualify for the drawing  remains 16 for Florida members and 10 for out of state members.

For this years prize we will go back to sets of Horseshoes for in state members and for

out of state it will continue to be a free entry into a Florida tournament of their

choice. Complete details will be issued under a separate letter to the membership by a

blast e-mail in Dec.; We already have several members that are in the race for top

competitor. Last years winners were Alan Kasch in 1st place and Ron Mehrwerth winner of

the drawing. Ralph Hanks from NY won the free entry into a tournament..


 Beverly Hills Horseshoe Club has turned their Dec 13, 2014 into a fundraiser for the

well known Tots for Tots campaign. Entry fee for this Tournament will be $25 with the

extra $5 going to Tots for Tots. They would also like for everyone that competes to bring

an unwrapped new toy to donate to this great cause. (-6 months to 12 years are the ages

of the kids that participates )  Beverly Hills has 24 courts to handle the many  that I

am sure, will support this great cause. To sign up please call Mike Trudel (603) 233

3124. Hope to see everyone there !!!!!!!!!


I wanted to remind all members that I have taken over from Verdell Woolard the

Communication Director position. If you have any information that should be shared with

the FSHPA membership, please let me know and I will send a blast e-mail to those that

have shared their e-mail address with us. I would ask that the President of each club

post them on your Bulletin Boards for those that don't have e-mail. My E-mail is

                                                                 Bob Lemon 1st VP


                                                        COMMENTS FROM 2ND VP


            Our fall and winter tournaments are going full blast, come on out and pitch with us.  What better way to spend the day than in our wonderful Florida sunshine!  If you can’t pitch as much as you used to, you can come and watch awhile, or bring someone with you who may be interested in getting to know a great bunch of people. Maybe you can’t participate in tournaments but you can get involved in a league.  Many of our clubs have league play sometime during the week. 

            The Club Team tournament is coming up so gather your entries and let me know who they will be.  The Flagler club hates to see anyone waste a long drive for just one tournament so they have added a tournament day in front of the Club Team to make it worth the trip.  Be sure and see their website for additional information on lodging.

            As usual I am asking for volunteers for the By-Laws and Grievance committees.  By-Law review time is just around the corner for this year.  Boyd Stonerock is the Chairman of this committee and Lee Kohlhafer volunteered to join him in this work, one more would round this committee out.  This is a simple read and compare process to keep our By-Laws in sync with the NHPA changes and of course, any proposals by our members. Our Grievance committee is hindered by the fact that both volunteers are working men, so anyone with unencumbered time would be an asset to the Grievance committee. Feel free to contact me to help with these either of these important committees.

            We have been trying to get in as many tournaments as we can swing. Dale’s work schedule has prevented him from participating some but he has managed to get in 4 so far and I’ve got 7.  We went to the WT for the first time this year.  It was a great time to be with other pitchers and you really appreciate the people from “home” (Florida) so much more when there are so many other competitors.  That’s not to say there weren’t friendly faces everywhere but the ones you recognize are especially heartwarming.


Wishing all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

                                                                                                                             Vicki Marteney, 2nd VP