Congratulations to all the FSHPA members who traveled to the World Tournament to pitch. I’m looking forward to hearing the stories from everyone who attended.


The job I started last summer has gotten busier and busier.  I’ve been buried with work but every time I think about complaining I remember being unemployed May of 2015 and thank my lucky stars that there is enough work for me to do to keep a paycheck coming in.  I have too many habits that need supporting….like entering horseshoe tournaments.  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the various tournaments as our season cranks up soon.


I’ve had some trouble with my cell phone this summer, too.  I had several calls where I couldn’t hear the callers but they could hear me. I’m not sure what caused this but it was a real inconvenience.  If one of your calls was affected this way, I hope that you called back and were able to get through. My carrier investigated the calls and checked my phone but didn’t have any real reason for the failures.  The only good that came out of that was a small credit to my account for the inconvenience. 


****Once again I ask everyone to PLEASE HOLD OFF SENDING IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS UNTIL OCTOBER 1, 2016******  You can use your CURRENT 2016 card all the way up through 12/31/2016.  You will need your 2017 card for the FIRST tournament in January 2017.  I won’t even have new cards until sometime in October so if you send in your renewals before then I will just have to hold your checks and forms until I have the cards to process.



Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon!



                                                             Marcela Santoyo




                                         COMMENTS 1ST VP


     The snowbirds started flying away in March and their nests have been empty for a while—it sure gets quiet when the summer comes and the clanging of shoes diminishes.  Dale and I watched and heard some of the pitching during the World Tournament in Montgomery.  The first week of pitching, we were visiting our son, daughter-in-law & granddaughters in Hawaii with a 5-hour time difference from Alabama.  Well, someone had to go there!!  We could only watch the afternoon pitching because it was morning where we were.  Our two granddaughters get up at 6 am every morning (that’s their schedule) 7 days a week.  So we were in bed before 10 pm every night.  We got back on Thursday and Dale had to be at work on Monday, August 1st.  It was much easier to watch the competition with the time one hour ahead. 

     Some of you know Steve Moses of the Orlando Horseshoe Club, he was in Europe this summer and competed in a tournament there and sent info and pictures back about his experience. 

     This season of tournaments that we can attend have been penciled on the calendar with Dale’s work schedule dictating which clubs he will be able to visit. Now we just have to go out in the backyard and throw some shoes.  So let’s get out there and make some ringers.  And have some fun!!

            Vicki Marteney, 2nd VP