Hello all,

            The first thing I would like to say is THANK-YOU to everyone that was involved this year for the state tournament. The Clearwater Club put on a wonderful display of teamwork and dedication to pull off another great state tournament. Chuck Johnston and his crew were superb in taking care of our needs. The food was fantastic; the courts were great and thank God for the wonderful weather. Of course lets not forget Lucas Oil a great sponsor for horseshoes. All in all it was one of the best so far.

            Second, I would like to thank Marcy for her hard work and dedication to set up score cards, round robin cards, oh yes the money for the scorekeepers and the countless hours it took to put this tournament together. Thank you to Joe (Marcy’s husband) for having patience for the many hours she spends each year for not only the state tournament but also the other tournaments she runs as well. I would also like to thank the states VP’s for their hard work and sacrifice as well. Thank you Janet, Vicki, and Peggy.

            Last, I would like to congratulate this year’s Triple Crown winner, Chris Ogden for winning this prestigious award. Way to go Chris, we are all proud of you. Congratulations to Shalee Cason for winning the women’s championship, Dave Jagers for winning the elders championship and to Bob Gray for winning the men’s championship. Congratulations to the winners of the classes and doubles events as well.

            With my impending retirement I hope to spend more time practicing and enjoying life itself. Hopefully Vicki and I will see you at many more tournaments next season. Have a safe and relaxing summer, spend time with loved ones and live each day to the fullest. May God bless you and give you His peace.

                                                                        Sincerely, Dale

                                                                        President FSHPA