I wish to announce my candidacy for re-election for FSHPA 3rd Vice President.  I am currently the 3rd Vice President and have served in this position for the last eight years.  One of my jobs the last eight years was to do the yearly Schedule of Tournaments for the State of Florida.  I enjoyed working with the Tournament Directors scheduling their 80 tournaments last year and also reporting the results of their club tournaments to NATSTATS.   


Another duty for the 3rd Vice President is to be the Director of the Junior Program Committee.   We are very fortunate in the State of Florida to have Eileen Fox as the Chairperson of the Junior Program Committee.  It has been a pleasure to work with Eileen and her committee.   I am also on the US Family Foundation Board of Directors, which handles the Florida Junior Horseshoe Pitchers Scholarship Award.  


I have been very busy the last five and a half years as the Florida State Statistician.  I have learned an enormous amount about the Florida Data Base from Marvin Grubb and John Peplinski.  I have been recording players’ ringers and shoes pitched, games won and lost, and entering address changes and dues paid, and then sending the tournament results to NATSTATS.  It has been a very educational and great life experience.   


Jim Smith has been very patient with me showing me how to update the Horseshoe Clubs Web Sites with the results of their tournaments, so now I can put the results on the web sites.  I have also volunteered to put the entries and schedules for their tournaments on the Horseshoe Cubs web site on the Thursday before their tournaments, if they would like it posted there for members convenience.    


I am helping with communications for our Florida World of Horseshoes by sending information to the Club Presidents and Tournament Directors on the latest info for tournament schedule changes and other items of interest to FSHPA members.  Then they can post the info at their tournaments, so all members will have the information.  I will continue to work hard and will help in any way I can for the improvement of this Great Sport of Horseshoes.


I would appreciate your support and your vote for re-election. 


                                                   Thank you,   

Verdell J. Woollard (Dell)




                                                             Comments from 2nd VP


We have some by-law revision suggestions to tweak our existing by-laws.  Our committee has reviewed them so that they do not conflict with our current FSHPA and NHPA by-laws.  Our committee chairman is Jerry Michalek and the one member of his committee is Buddy Short.  Buddy will be stepping down in April.  Mark Hendrix has volunteered to replace Buddy in April.  Our Grievance committee is headed up by Duane Raeburn.  His committee member is Chuck Johnston.  I am still looking for one more volunteer to fill out both committees.  I am also looking for someone to head the promotion committee and any others interested in helping with that committee.  Call or e-mail me if you have some of the skills needed in promotion and publicity. 

                                                                                                                                        Vicki Marteney