Business end of the stick first

I will be seeking re-election for 2nd Vice President of the Florida State Horseshoe Pitching Association. I do enjoy

serving our community in any way that I can.

     How about volunteering for a position on a committee?  Available are openings on the Grievance and the By

Laws committees.  Duties and responsibilities are listed on our website and call me if you are willing to help carry

the load.

     Boyd Stonerock originally volunteered to be a member of the By-Laws committee (with a little arm-twisting he

is the Chairman) but all other volunteers stepped down so he is alone in this endeavor at the present.  It is not an

extremely difficult job, once a year the By-Laws are perused and compared with the NHPA By-Laws to make sure

there are no discrepancies or someone may come to the committee with a recommended change which has to be

compared against existing regulations.

      Our Grievance committee usually is just on standby but the last couple of years we have had to send them into

action.  There is nothing wrong with that because we do have procedures in place to settle any issues.  If you are not

aware, we do have a grievance form online on the FSHPA website but we encourage all to take the first step if there

is a problem at any tournament to go to the Tournament Director immediately.  Any issues may be settled at that

level but if an infringement of the By-Laws needs to be addressed there is a proper procedure for handling it.


     I would like to apologize for using the wrong handicap table at the Club Team Tournament; I hope there are no

hard feelings.  I havent been in horseshoes all that long (10 years now) and I learn more each year about the game

but there is still lots to learn.  I do know that all the team captains I had to inform about the change in standings were

very gracious. 


     Were gearing up now for our Florida State Closed Tournament and it looks like the Beverly Hills Horseshoe

Club has expended a great deal of effort to make it a success. So paint your shoes, stretch your muscles and start

planning on whom you can partner with for Mixed Doubles and Doubles.


**And remember horseshoes is supposed to be fun!! If at first you dont succeed, try try again! Maybe every

tournament is not the best ringer day for everyone but it can be a day to just enjoy the people that share your love of

the sport**


Vicki Marteney, 2nd VP 


                                           COMMENTS 3RD VP

Hello, my name is Gwen Mehrwerth and I am the new 3rd Vice President.  I am originally from Minnesota,

but after spending years following my husbands naval career, we decided to retire in Florida in 2010. 

I started pitching horseshoes late 2013 after much encouragement from my husband Ron and my parents

back in Minnesota.  I am still learning a lot about horseshoes, but the best thing I Have decided is all the

wonderful people I have meet while we travel to different tournaments around  The state.  I look forward

to every weekend to have fun and talk to all the people.  I love learning where you came from, where you

started pitching, hints to how I can become a better pitcher and ideas  on how to help continue the sport of

horseshoes.  I want to work on spreading the word that horseshoes is fun, it is something you can do with

your spouse, your kids. Your parents or grandparents.  So if you see me at a tournamentand you have some

ideas to bring people into our horseshoe world, I would like to hear them.


Dont forget to sigh up for the Florida State Tournament being held this year at the Beverly Hills Horseshoe

Club.  Remember you need 5 tournaments under your belt to participate in State, so check The Tournament

Schedule, sign up and pitch some Ringers.  See you there.


Gwen Mehrwerth