I wanted to take a moment to say Hi to all my fellow horseshoe pitchers from

Minnesota.  It is cold up here in the north country. But I am patiently waiting

the arrival of our first grandchild.

    I missed seeing everyone at the Club Team Event held in Flagler County in

January. I heard it was well attended with a total of 15 Teams!  What a great

turn out!  Congratulations to Sebring Team #2 for winning the event.  And a

special Thank you to everyone that helped with score keeping and the courts. "It

takes a village or in our case horseshoe pitchers!"

    Now Flagler is getting ready for the last tournaments at our courts until the

state tournament. The end of March, Friday 27th is a Singles Tournament followed

by the first Florida Sanctioned HP Pro Tour Event Saturday March 28th & Sunday

March 29th. Check the Flagler County Website for

more information (you don't have to be a Pro to pitch).

    The 55th Annual Florida State Championship Tournament is April 22, 23, 24th &

25th and will be held in Flagler County/Palm Coast this year. Entry forms for

Mixed Doubles, Doubles, Singles as well as information on the Annual Meeting,

Host Hotel, Shirt Orders, Personal Ads, Friday Social Gathering and Saturday

Banquet are all in this newsletter and will be on the State website link. Take a

look at all the forms and remember to get them in by April 1st.  The State

Tournament was so much fun last year, I am looking forward to it again this

year. It's a time to see all the friends we've made pitching in the past

tournaments but now have more time to visit with each other over the four days.

Friendships and Ringers that's what makes Horseshoes!

    Also take a look at the remaining 2014 - 2015 tournament schedule to participate

in at least 5 tournaments to qualify to pitch in the State Tournament.

Looking forward to seeing everyone when I return to Florida the end of March

with pictures of our new Grandbaby!  Enjoy the Florida sunshine for me and I

will see you at the tournaments soon!  

                                                Gwen Mehrwerth 3rd VP FSHPA




                                                          COMMENTS FROM 2ND VP

      Hello to all of you, we are over half way through our season already.  How time is flying!!  We had a great turnout for the Club Team Tournament.  I was so pleased to see all the participants.  I have thanks to give for all the help I received, it really moves things along when our pitchers work together.  Special thanks to Peggy Ogden, Lois Hottinger, Sue Benware and Marcela Santoyo who all helped with getting the tournament  results checked and entered.  Howard Hawes really had his hands full with two days of tournament in a row but he survived to tell about it.  Also Ron Mehrwerth kept things moving too.  The Flagler Club has such an outstanding facility and they keep it in wonderful shape.  I am looking forward to returning there for the State Closed Tournament in April already.

      Keep in mind as Executive Council members we want to serve our membership but there are ways you can help too—we have committee member positions that need to be filled.  And, if you see a way to promote our sport that can be used by others around the state, contact us. 

            I’ll be seeing you on the courts!!

                                                                                                      Vicki Marteney 2nd VP