( Continued from previous page )


Change to read:

Section 1:  Eligibility – a candidate must have been:

a.     a resident of Florida and an FSHPA member for a minimum of ten years.

b.     an outstanding player, or a member who has performed outstanding service to FSHPA and an NHPA member for a combination of ten years in FSHPA and ten years in NHPA, respectively.


Reason: “many years” is a vague amount of time and five years in FSHPA is not enough time to receive such a prestigious award.


Submitted by: Boyd Stonerock


I would also like to recommend the following:


A FSHPA Hall of Fame nomination letter should be added to the bylaws to require a Promoter/Organizer be active for at least ten years in FSHPA, and ten years in NHPA according to Section XIV, subsection 1, part B.



                                                               PROPOSED BY-LAW CHANGE

Proposal #1. Article IX Clubs Section 5.a



a. A Club having 25, or more, NHPA/FSHPA Inc. members shall have one additional vote for each 25 NHPA/FSHPA Inc. members. To establish entitlement to additional votes, the Club's membership count must be a certified list, NHPA card number and name, of FSHPA Inc./NHPA members by the Club Secretary to the FSHPA Inc. Sec/Treas., no later than January 31st. A member holding membership in more than one club may only be counted as a member of his/her home club when determining the rights to additional votes. The membership count, as of the previous year on December 31st, is required.


Proposed Change:

a. A Club having 25, or more, NHPA members shall have one additional vote for each 25 NHPA members. To establish entitlement to additional votes, the Club's membership count must be a certified list, NHPA card number and name, of NHPA members by the Club Secretary to the FSHPA Inc. Sec/Treas., no later than January 31st. A member holding membership in more than one club may only be counted as a member of his/her home club when determining the rights to additional votes. The membership count, as of the previous year on December 31st, is required.



This article address the requirements for voting allowances by each club based on number of members. It has been stated that you can only count F.S.H.P.A. Members. It has also been stated that our Tournaments are somewhere near 30/35 percent participation from members who reside here in the winter months. These are N.H.P.A. Members ,who support out Organization . Isn't this what we want, future residents to reside here, full time. When we hold our club meetings do they not have a say and participation .They are here but not truly represented .Since our organization profits from their participation and each club profits from their membership they should be counted as members for determining club voting rights . Almost all Florida clubs would benefit. I think the  By-Laws should be changed to all N.H.P.A. card members should be counted. We can still keep the Florida State Closed Tournament as it is written.


                                                                                                                 Submitted by: Chuck Johnston