What a great Club Team Tournament we had just a couple short weeks ago. The Sebring Club was very accommodating; it went very well and ran as smoothly as any I have attended.  My hat is off to the Highlands County Horseshoe Club for hosting. Congratulations to Bradenton #1 for finishing 1st and Bradenton #2 for finishing 2nd, Winter Haven finished 3rd, Clearwater finished 4th and Sebring #2 rounded out the top five. A special thank you goes out to Vicki, Marcy, Janet, and Peggy for their hard work at the tournament.

            It seems like this season just started and here we are talking about this year’s State Closed tournament. It will be held at the Bradenton Horseshoe Club starting with mixed doubles on April 20th following the Annual Club Presidents and Executive Council meeting at 9:30 am. Doubles will be on Thursday, April 21st and then singles on Friday and Saturday April 22nd and 23rd, with the State Championship classes pitching Saturday the 23rd in the afternoon. Lois Hottinger and the Bradenton Club have been working tirelessly to make sure this is the best State Closed ever. Lois briefed the Executive Council at Sebring and has everything well in hand. I encourage everyone to plan to get his or her 5 tournaments in before the April 1 deadline. The banquet will be held at the Peridia Golf & Country Club and those of you that attended a few years ago may remember it as a top-notch setting with great food.

            This being an odd year Marcy and Vicki’s jobs are up for election, so if you were interested you had to get your input to Boyd Stonerock, Chairman of the Election Committee for consideration before 15 February to be published in the March newsletter. They both have informed me they would be happy to stay on and continue with their outstanding work in their present position for the next two years if desired.

            My last thought is, I am honored to be your President and if there is anything I can do for you please don’t hesitate to see me at the tournaments throughout the year. Vicki and I have tried to go to as many tournaments as possible this year but my job still gets in the road many times. I hope to retire in a couple of years and start my quest to beat Alan with the most tournaments.

            See you at the courts,

                                                Dale Marteney