Comments from the Sec/Treas

                                            March 2016

 Happy Spring to everyone!  We currently have 270 members which is a little lower than this same time last year.  In 2015 at the March newsletter printing we had 292 members and in 2014 we had 276.  If you haven’t renewed your membership, now is the time!

 The Club Team Tournament went very smoothly and was a lot of fun.  Great job by the Highlands County Horseshoe Club getting everything prepared. It’s not easy hosting a large tournament, a lot of work is required.  Thanks to everyone who prepped and participated.

 Our next big event is the State Tournament,  hosted this year at Bradenton.  I look forward to seeing you there and I look forward to getting all of your entry forms and fees.  I thank Lois Hottinger in advance for what I know will be a skillfully organized environment!

 Remember that you can give me a call or send me a text message using my cell number 407.399.4908 or if you prefer, you can email me using   I try to answer my cell right away but if you get my voice mail, please leave a message.  I’ll call you back as soon as possible.

 I’ve enjoyed working with our newer Executive Council members, Peggy Ogden and Janet McFarland and Dale Marteney.  Our first year as a council is going well, we’re learning from each other and we’re all focused on serving our membership to the best of our abilities.

 See you in April at the state tournament!

                                                                        Marcela Santoyo    Sec/Treas